30 de junio de 2009

Paquete IPv4, Mira su Interior en este Documento [PDF]

IPv4 es la versión 4 del Protocolo IP (Internet Protocol)version anterior de ipv6. Esta fue la primera versión del protocolo que se implementó extensamente, y forma la base de Internet. IPv4 usa direcciones de 32 bits, limitándola a 232 = 4.294.967.296 direcciones únicas, muchas de las cuales están dedicadas a redes locales (LANs). Por el crecimiento enorme que ha tenido del Internet (mucho más de lo que esperaba, cuando se diseñó IPv4), combinado con el hecho de que hay desperdicio de direcciones en muchos casos (ver abajo), ya hace varios años se vio que escaseaban las direcciones IPv4.

Esta limitación ayudó a estimular el impulso hacia IPv6, que esta actualmente en las primeras fases de implantación, y se espera que termine reemplazando a IPv4.

este es un PDF con varias diapositivas que contienen varios gráficos donde detalla un paquete IPv4, con todas sus opciones y características. Es de gran utilidad y ayuda, espero les sirva de mucho.

GNS3 v0.6.1 (Incluye Dynamips, Pemu y WinPCAP 4.0.2), Ultima Version!

GNS3 es un simulador gráfico de red que te permite diseñar topologías de red complejas y poner en marcha simulaciones sobre ellos. Para permitir completar simulaciones, GNS3 está estrechamente vinculada con:

Dynamips: es un emulador de IOS que permite a los usuarios ejecutar binarios imágenes IOS de Cisco Systems.

Pemu: es un emulador de PIX.GNS3 es una excelente herramienta complementaria a los verdaderos laboratorios para los administradores de redes de Cisco o las personas que quieren pasar sus CCNA, CCNP, CCIE DAC o certificaciones.

WinPcap: es la herramienta estándar de la industria para acceder a la conexión entre capas de red en entornos Windows, esta permite a las aplicaciones capturar y trasmitir los paquetes de red puenteando la pila de protocolos, y tiene útiles características adicionales, incluyendo filtrado de paquetes a nivel del núcleo, un motor de generación de estadísticas de red y soporte para captura de paquetes remotos.

29 de junio de 2009

Password Recovery Procedure for the Catalyst 2900XL, 3500XL, 2950, and 3550 Series Switches [PDF]

This document describes the password recovery procedure for the Cisco Catalyst 2900XL, 3500XL, 2950, and 3550 series switches.

Comunicacion de Datos [Ebook-PDF]


· ¿Qué es una red de computadores? Una colección interconectada de computadores autónomos.
· ¿Para qué se usan las redes?
· Compartir recursos, especialmente la información (los datos)
· Proveer la confiabilidad: más de una fuente para los recursos
· La escalabilidad de los recursos computacionales: si se necesita más poder computacional, se
puede comprar un cliente más, en vez de un nuevo mainframe
· Comunicación.

en general, este es un manual sobre Redes muy bueno...

Cisco® Course Reference Guide [PDF]

Configuración de Firewall Cisco Pix (2 Manuales) [Ebook-PDF]

En el presente documento se explicará las configuraciones básicas para poner en marcha un firewall de la línea PIX de Cisco, aplicando los conocimientos teóricos de firewall adquiridos en la experiencia Firewall sobre iptables, el estudiante se verá enfrentado a una nueva estructura de implementación, más las filosofías de diseño no se verán afectadas por este cambio.

25 de junio de 2009

Guia Didáctica para Cableado de Redes [Ebook-PDF]

Datos Básicos:

Uno de los problemas mas comunes y enigmáticos que se debe enfrentar al instalar una red, es la manera APROPIADA para hacer las conexiones. Normalmente y para confundir el proceso de aprendizaje, alguien introduce la necesidad de cables invertidos o cruzados. Que éstos son y cómo hacerlos es el asunto de esta guía didáctica.

24 de junio de 2009

Linux-101-Hacks [Ebook-PDF]

There are total of 101 hacks in this book that will help you build a strong foundation in Linux. All the hacks in this book are explained with appropriate Linux command examples that are easy to follow.

Another collection of hacks? Yes! If you have just completed your first admin course or looking for better ways to get the job done the "Linux 101 Hacks" eBook is a good point to start. These useful tips are concise, well written and easy to read.

Manual - Redes WiFi Inalambricas IEEE 802.11 [Ebook-PDF]

Las redes inalámbricas (en inglés wireless network) son aquellas que se comunican por un medio de transmisión no guiado (sin cables) mediante ondas electromagnéticas. La transmisión y la recepción se realizan a través de antenas. Tienen ventajas como la rápida instalación de la red sin la necesidad de usar cableado, permiten la movilidad y tienen menos costos de mantenimiento que una red convencional.

Muy Buen material!

Fast Note CCNA (Apunte Rapido CCNA) v2.2 [Ebook-PDF]

Guia de Estudio rapida, como su nombre lo indica, Fast Note o Apunte Rapido, sobre los temas de CCNA. Excelente documento, Gracias a Oscar A. Gerometta, por crear este fabuloso libro...

Manual Sobre Redes Privadas Virtuales (VPN) [Ebook-PDF]

Este documento proporciona una descripción general de redes privadas virtuales (VPNs), describe sus requerimientos básicos y analiza algunas de las tecnologías clave que permiten la conexión de redes privadas en redes públicas.

Seguridad de Red Privada Virtual de Microsoft (VPN) [Ebook-PDF]

Este documento estratégico proporciona una descripción general de los temas de seguridad acerca de la implementación de redes privadas virtuales (VPNs) utilizando la familia de sistemas operativos Microsoft Windows. En Windows 95, Windows 98, y los sistemas operativos Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft proporciona soporte de red privada virtual (VPN) a través del protocolo de túnel de punto a punto (PPTP). Para responder a los problemas reportados y mejorar la seguridad PPTP, Microsoft recientemente ha realizado mejoras a PPTP. Con el lanzamiento del sistema operativo de Windows 2000, Microsoft ampliará su soporte de protocolo VPN para incluir soporte para Protocolo de túnel nivel 2 (L2TP), así como para Seguridad de protocolo Internet (IPSEC) y el Protocolo de autenticación ampliable (EAP). Este documento describe estas tecnologías, además de abordar las medidas preventivas y amenazas de seguridad.

23 de junio de 2009

CCNA: Funcionamiento de un Router - Aspectos Básicos. [Ebook-PDF]


• Nivel de Red.
• Componentes del router.
• Examinar y mantener sus componentes.
• Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP).
• Probar la conectividad de red.

CCNA 1: Conceptos Basicos sobre Networking v3.1 - Guia del Instructor [Ebook-PDF]

CCNA 1: “Principios básicos del networking” es el primero de cuatro cursos necesarios para obtener la certificación de Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). CCNA 1 introduce a los estudiantes del Programa de la Academia de Networking de Cisco en el campo de networking. El curso se centra en:

• Terminología de redes
• Protocolos de red
• Redes de área local (LAN)
• Redes de área amplia (WAN)
• Modelo de internetworking de sistemas abiertos (OSI)
• Cableado
• Herramientas de cableado
• Routers
• Programación de routers
• Ethernet
• Direccionamiento de Internet Protocol (IP)
• Estándares de redes

CCNA 2: Principios Basicos de Routers y Enrutamiento v3.1 - Guia del Instructor [Ebook-PDF]

CCNA 2: “Routers y principios básicos del enrutamiento” es el segundo de los cuatro cursos CCNA necesarios para obtener la certificación de Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). CCNA 2 se concentra en la configuración inicial del router, la administración del software Cisco IOS, la configuración del protocolo de enrutamiento, los protocolos TCP/IP y las listas de control de acceso (ACL). Los estudiantes aprenderán a configurar un router, administrar el software Cisco IOS, configurar los protocolos de enrutamiento en los routers y definir listas de
acceso para controlar el acceso a los routers.

CCNA 3: Principios Basicos de Conmutacion y Enrutamiento Intermedio v3.1 - Guia del Instructor [Ebook-PDF]

CCNA 3: “Principios básicos de la conmutación y enrutamiento intermedio” es el tercero de los cuatro cursos necesarios para obtener la certificación de Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). CCNA 3 introduce a los estudiantes del Programa de la Academia de Networking de Cisco en los principios básicos relativos a las habilidades de conmutación y de enrutamiento intermedio. El curso se centra en:

• Introducción al enrutamiento sin clase
• OSPF de una sola área
• Conceptos sobre la conmutación
• Switches
• Configuración de switches
• Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP)
• LAN virtuales (VLAN)
• VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)

CCNA 4: Tecnologias WAN v3.1 - Guia del Instructor [Ebook-PDF]

CCNA 4: “Tecnologías WAN” es el último de los cuatro cursos necesarios para obtener la
certificación de Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA).
CCNA 4 introduce a los estudiantes de la Academia de Networking de Cisco en las
tecnologías WAN.

El curso se centra en:

• Traducción de direcciones de red (NAT) y Traducción de direcciones de puerto (PAT)
• Tecnologías WAN
• Protocolo punto a punto (PPP)
• Red digital de servicios integrados (RDSI o ISDN)
• Enrutamiento por llamada telefónica bajo demanda (DDR)
• Frame Relay
• Administración de la red

Aspectos Avanzados de Seguridad en Redes [Ebook-PDF]

Objetivos de Este Libro:

1. Entender los distintos tipos de vulnerabilidades que presentan las redes TCP/IP.
2. Ver que tecnicas de prevencion existen contra los ataques mas frecuentes.
3. Alcanzar unos conocimientos basicos del funcionamiento de las herramientas criptograficas mas utilizadas.
4. Conocer los sistemas de autentificacion mas importantes, identificando sus caracterısticas.
5. Ver diferentes propuestas existentes para ofrecer seguridad tanto a nivel de red, de transporte o de aplicacion.
6. Conocer los diferentes sistemas de deteccion de intrusos.

292 Paginas sin desperdicio....

19 de junio de 2009

Los Guerreros de la Red - Warrios Of The Net (Video-Pelicula)

Documental: "Los Guerreros de la Red" - "Warrios Of The Net"
Duracion: 13 Minutos.
Idioma: Español

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo funciona el Internet?
¿Cómo se veria un Router en Internet?
¿De qué color es un paquete IP?
¿Cómo Viajan los paquetes IP atraves del cortafuegos o firewall?
¿Como Funcionan los Protocolos TCP/IP?

Todas las respuestas y muchos más se pueden encontrar en este Excelente Documental.

Película Realizada Por: Tomas Stephanson (Idea Original Y Producción)
Animación y Diseño: Gunilla Elam
Música y Sonido: Niklas Hanberger
Manuscrito: Tomas Stephanson y Monte Reid Guión
Narración Original: Monte Reid
Naracion en Español: Eduardo Bravo Serrano
Traduccion al Español: Brain Naser Soto

Por primera vez en la historia...
La gente y las máquinas están trabajando juntos, cumpliendo un sueño. Una unión de fuerzas que no conoce límites geográficos. Ni se separa en raza, creencia o color. Una nueva era donde la comunicación verdaderamente lleva a unir a la gente. Este es el amanecer de la Red.

CCNA - Manual de Redes, Routers y Switches [Ebook-PDF]

18 de junio de 2009

IPSec VPN Design (2005) [Ebook-CHM]

As the number of remote branches and work-from-home employees grows throughout corporate America, VPNs are becoming essential to both enterprise networks and service providers. IPSec is one of the more popular technologies for deploying IP-based VPNs. IPSec VPN Design provides a solid understanding of the design and architectural issues of IPSec VPNs. Some books cover IPSec protocols, but they do not address overall design issues. This book fills that void.

IPSec VPN Design consists of three main sections. The first section provides a comprehensive introduction to the IPSec protocol, including IPSec Peer Models. This section also includes an introduction to site-to-site, network-based, and remote access VPNs. The second section is dedicated to an analysis of IPSec VPN architecture and proper design methodologies. Peer relationships and fault tolerance models and architectures are examined in detail. Part three addresses enabling VPN services, such as performance, scalability, packet processing, QoS, multicast, and security. This book also covers the integration of IPSec VPNs with other Layer 3 (MPLS VPN) and Layer 2 (Frame Relay, ATM) technologies; and discusses management, provisioning, and troubleshooting techniques. Case studies highlight design, implementation, and management advice to be applied in both service provider and enterprise environments.

Comparing, Designing, And Deploying VPNs (2006) [Ebook-CHM]

Comparing, Designing, and Deploying VPNs brings together the most popular VPN technologies for convenient reference. The book examines the real-world operation, application, design, and configuration of the following site-to-site VPNs: Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol version 3 (L2TPv3)-based Layer 2 VPNs (L2VPN); Any Transport over MPLS (AToM)-based L2VPN; MPLS Layer 3-based VPNs; and IP Security (IPsec)-based VPNs. The book covers the same details for the following remote access VPNs: Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol version 2 (L2TPv2) VPNs; L2TPv3 VPNs; IPsec-based VPNs; and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) VPNs. Through the operation, application, and configuration details offered in each chapter, you'll learn how to compare and contrast the numerous types of VPN technologies, enabling you to consider all relevant VPN deployment options and select the VPN technologies that are most appropriate for your network.

IPsec Virtual Private Network Fundamentals (2006) [Ebook-CHM]

This book follows a tiered approach toward building a working knowledge of fundamental IPsec VPN design, starting with an overview of basic IPsec business drivers and functional components. These concepts and components are then used as a foundation upon which IPsec VPN High Availability (HA) design considerations are presented. Lastly, several advanced IPsec VPN technologies that are commonly available in today's enterprise networks are presented and discussed. Within each chapter, the design concepts are presented and then reinforced with configurations, illustrations, and practical case studies where appropriate.

CCNA 1 & 2 Companion Guide [Ebook-PDF]

Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA 1 and 2 Companion Guide, Third Edition, supplements your classroom and laboratory experience with the Cisco Networking Academy Program, whose curriculum is designed to empower you to enter employment or further education and training in the computer networking field.

This book trains you beyond the online materials that you already have used in this program, and introduces you to topics pertaining to the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification exam. This book closely follows the style and format that Cisco Systems has incorporated into the curriculum.

This book introduces and extends your knowledge and practical experience with the design, configuration, and maintenance of local-area networks (LANs). The concepts covered in this book enable you to develop practical experience in skills related to cabling, routing, IP addressing, routing protocols, and network troubleshooting. This book introduces the OSI model, discusses collisions and segmentations, and includes a new chapter on Ethernet technologies and Ethernet switching. This Companion Guide also features greatly enhanced chapters on IOS and TCP/IP and an additional chapter on access control lists.

16 de junio de 2009

Hacking Exposed VoIP Security Secrets and Solutions [Ebook-CHM]

Description: Sidestep VoIP Catastrophe the Foolproof Hacking Exposed Way

"This book illuminates how remote users can probe, sniff, and modify your phones, phone switches, and networks that offer VoIP services. Most importantly, the authors offer solutions to mitigate the risk of deploying VoIP technologies." --Ron Gula, CTO of Tenable Network Security

Block debilitating VoIP attacks by learning how to look at your network and devices through the eyes of the malicious intruder. Hacking Exposed VoIP shows you, step-by-step, how online criminals perform reconnaissance, gain access, steal data, and penetrate vulnerable systems. All hardware-specific and network-centered security issues are covered alongside detailed countermeasures, in-depth examples, and hands-on implementation techniques. Inside, you'll learn how to defend against the latest DoS, man-in-the-middle, call flooding, eavesdropping, VoIP fuzzing, signaling and audio manipulation, Voice SPAM/SPIT, and voice phishing attacks.

* Find out how hackers footprint, scan, enumerate, and pilfer VoIP networks and hardware
* Fortify Cisco, Avaya, and Asterisk systems
* Prevent DNS poisoning, DHCP exhaustion, and ARP table manipulation
* Thwart number harvesting, call pattern tracking, and conversation eavesdropping
* Measure and maintain VoIP network quality of service and VoIP conversation quality
* Stop DoS and packet flood-based attacks from disrupting SIP proxies and phones
* Counter REGISTER hijacking, INVITE flooding, and BYE call teardown attacks
* Avoid insertion/mixing of malicious audio
* Learn about voice SPAM/SPIT and how to prevent it
* Defend against voice phishing and identity theft

Cisco Press Home Network Security Simplified [Ebook-CHM]

Home Network Security Simplified is a straightforward, graphic-based bag meshwork section meaning aggregation for the routine user. Home Network Security Simplified takes initiate users from no or restricted discernment of meshwork section to the saucer where they crapper ingest their meshwork with the pact of nous that comes with lettered that your meshwork and your aggregation is secure. Home Network Security is designed by the guiding generalisation of Ten Easy Steps to a Safte Home Network. The aggregation module wage an discernment of the assorted types of section threats (what they are, how they work), a program of tutorials on section strategy for apiece of these threats, and a step-by-step pass to implementing section crossways the network. Armed with an discernment of bag networking section concepts, users crapper verify plus of a panoramic clothing of benefits including - Understanding the assorted types of section threats - Securing their networks against those threats - Recognizing if someone has attempted to severance their meshwork - Staying abreast of aborning threats.

Cisco CCNA Cliffs TestPrep [Ebook-CHM]

Written by test-prep specialists, this guide begins with a complete description of the exam, and then goes on to cover the four main areas that the test targets: planning and designing, implementation and operation, troubleshooting, and technology. The authors provide more than 500 practice questions with answers and explanations, share proven test-taking strategies, and offer ten full-length practice exams that are structured like the actual test so you??™. il be familiar with the format.

CCNA Quick Reference Sheets [Ebook-PDF]

This is the eBook version of the printed book. CCNA Quick Reference Sheets (Digital Short Cut) Eric Rivard, Jim Doherty ISBN-10: 1-58705-460-4 ISBN-13: 978-1-58705-460-0 As a final exam preparation tool, the CCNA Quick Reference Sheets provide a concise review of all objectives on the new CCNA exam (640-802). This digital Short Cut provides you with detailed, graphic-based information, highlighting only the key topics in cram-style format.

CCNA Intro Exam Certification Guide [Ebook-PDF]

CCNA INTRO Exam Certification Guide is a best-of-breed Cisco® exam study guide that has been completely updated to focus specifically on the objectives for the CCNA INTRO exam. Senior instructor and best-selling author Wendell Odom shares preparation hints and test-taking tips to help you identify areas of weakness and improve both your conceptual and hands-on knowledge. This new edition is organized in a modular fashion, segmenting larger chapters into smaller, more easily digestible components. Material is presented in a concise manner, focusing on increasing your understanding and retention of exam topics.

13 de junio de 2009

Introduccion a Asterisk@Home [Ebook-PDF]

AAH (Asterisk At Home ó Asterisk en casa) también denominado Asterisk@Home es una versión especial del popular Asterisk PBX, este último es un software libre, de código abierto, y sirve para implantar centrales telefónicas (PBX) basadas en IP, usualmente para pequeñas organizaciones. Es instalado desde una imagen ISO que contiene el sistema operativo CentOS Linux, una versión completa del software Asterisk PBX y algunas herramientas de administración Web.

Se caracteriza por que corre en una gran variedad de hardware, permite el acceso completo a los archivos de configuración y, además de la interfaz de administración Web, posee una interfaz de línea de comandos.

Linux Networking Cookbook (O'Reilly) [Ebook-PDF]

Description: This soup-to-nuts collection of recipes covers everything you need to know to perform your job as a Linux network administrator, whether you're new to the job or have years of experience. With Linux Networking Cookbook, you'll dive straight into the gnarly hands-on work of building and maintaining a computer network. Running a network doesn't mean you have all the answers. Networking is a complex subject with reams of reference material that's difficult to keep straight, much less remember. If you want a book that lays out the steps for specific tasks, that clearly explains the commands and configurations, and does not tax your patience with endless ramblings and meanderings into theory and obscure RFCs, this is the book for you. You will find recipes for: Building a gateway, firewall, and wireless access point on a Linux network Building a VoIP server with Asterisk Secure remote administration with SSH Building secure VPNs with OpenVPN, and a Linux PPTP VPN server Single sign-on with Samba for mixed Linux/Windows LANs Centralized network directory with OpenLDAP Network monitoring with Nagios or MRTG Getting acquainted with IPv6 Setting up hands-free networks installations of new systems Linux system administration via serial console And a lot more. Each recipe includes a clear, hands-on solution with tested code, plus a discussion on why it works. When you need to solve a network problem without delay, and don't have the time or patience to comb through reference books or the Web for answers, Linux Networking Cookbook gives you exactly what you need.

Asterisk Desconsolado Version 2.0 [Ebook-PDF]

Asterisk® Desconsolado, es un manual de las aplicaciones que sirven a la administración y uso de una central telefónica Asterisk®, como por ejemplo, FreePBX. Estas aplicaciones, son las mismas que se incluyen en las distribuciones de fácil instalación más populares de la comunidad Asterisk®.

Asterisk Desconsolado by Eduardo Viegas y Facundo Correa is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial-Sin Obras Derivadas 2.5 Argentina License.

Asterisk - El Futuro de la Telefonia y la VoIP Ha Llegado [Ebook-PDF]

Curso de Verano Completo de Asterisk en Español, creado por Saul Ibarra Corrertge, dado en el 2007.

12 de junio de 2009

TBD Cisco Internetworking Book Period [Ebook - PDF]

The Best Damn Cisco Internetworking Book Period shows readers everything they need to know about all Cisco internetworking topics. The book provides an understanding of Cisco’s current VoIP solutions and the means to put them to work, showing how to configure all of Cisco’s core VoIP products—among them Cisco CallManager software, Cisco 7910 series phones, and server-based IP PBXs. It discusses IPv6 Protocols, as well as IP Quality of Service (QoS) and how it applies to Enterprise and Internet Service Provider (ISP) environments.

1,169 Pages!!!!

Curso: Voz Sobre IP Y ASTERISK v1.0 [Ebook-PDF]


Índice de Contenidos

● Módulo I. Introducción a la Voz sobre IP
● Módulo II. Teléfonos, Adaptadores y Gateways Voz sobre IP
● Módulo III. Asterisk PBX.

Excelente Material.

Asterisk PBX Guide - Configuration Guide 2nd Edition [Ebook-PDF]

This book is for anyone who wants to learn how to install and configure a PBX (Private Branch eXchange) based on Asterisk PBX. Asterisk is an open source telephony platform capable to use VoIP and TDM channels.

This is the third generation of the e-Book Asterisk Configuration Guide. The e-Book is also available in Spanish and Portuguese. The material that I present in this book helped to prepare for the dCAP certification from Digium last May 2006 and to pass it in the first try. Originally, this e-Book was written for version 1.0. The second generation was updated to version 1.2
and this one is based on version 1.4. However, you may still find examples that were based in the older version. Wherever possible, those examples have been suppressed or changed.

Packt Publishing - AsteriskNOW Feb. 2008 [Ebook-PDF]

A practical guide for deploying and managing an Asterisk-based telephony system using the AsteriskNOW software appliance.

AsteriskNOW is an open-source software appliance from Digium: a customized Linux distribution, which includes Asterisk (the leading open-source telephony engine and tool kit), the AsteriskGUI, and all the other software needed for an Asterisk telephony system.

This book discusses the installation and configuration of the AsteriskNOW open-source PBX appliance distribution and is written in the form of a self-study guide or a quick cookbook, to get you up and running with AsteriskNOW as fast as possible.

11 de junio de 2009

CCDA Quick Reference Sheets (CCNA Level Design) [Ebook-PDF]

CCDA is the same as CCNA, but a level design, this is a General Summary.

KillTest 640-802 v13.02 (14-06-2009) The Last!!!

The Last, this contains 184 questions in 135 pages....

Killtest is a guide to practice questions on the questions emerging in the 640-802 CCNA exam, this is the last version that came out of this. Killtest Practice Exams for 640-802 are written to the highest standards of technical accuracy, provided by our certified subject matter experts and published authors for development. 100% Guanratee.


Network Warrior - (O'Reilly) [Ebook]

Network Warrior provides a thorough and practical introduction to the entire network infrastructure, from cabling to the routers. What you need to learn to pass a Cisco certification exam such as CCNA and what you need to know to survive in the real world are two very different things. The strategies that this book offers weren 't on the exam, but they 're exactly what you need to do your job well.

10 de junio de 2009

Cisco IOS in a Nutshell - James Boney [Ebook - CHM]

Cisco routers are everywhere that networks are. They come in all sizes, from inexpensive units for homes and small offices to equipment costing well over $100,000 and capable of routing at gigabit speeds. A fixture in today's networks, Cisco claims roughly 70% of the router market, producing high-end switches, hubs, and other network hardware. One unifying thread runs through the product line: virtually all of Cisco's products run the Internetwork Operating System, or IOS.

If you work with Cisco routers, it's likely that you deal with Cisco's IOS software--an extremely powerful and complex operating system, with an equally complex configuration language. With a cryptic command-line interface and thousands of commands--some of which mean different things in different situations--it doesn't have a reputation for being user-friendly.

Fortunately, there's help. This second edition of Cisco IOS in a Nutshell consolidates the most important commands and features of IOS into a single, well-organized volume that you'll find refreshingly user-friendly.

Hacking the Human - Social Engineering [Ebook]

A quick consultation with Wikipedia gives a definition of social engineering as, ‘The practice of obtaining confidential information by manipulation of legitimate users.’ This certainly captures some of the elements. At times it can be used to directly obtain confidential information, although all too oen information hasn’t been classified in any way, the target of the aack may not have even recognized the confidential nature of the information they are disclosing. However, there are other occasions when the action an aacker seeks may not be directly designed to manipulate you into disclosing information. Tricking a security guard into giving access to a building, using social engineering techniques, doesn’t directly obtain confidential information – the objective may be to disable a facility and deny access to information.

Administracion de Sistemas Linux (O'Reilly) [Ebook-PDF]


De todos los sistemas Unix, Linux es una plataforma servidora excelente, un buen sistema de escritorio y el centro en torno al cual gira una gran parte de la innovación del mundo informático actual. Linux es probablemente el que más ámbitos abarca de todos los sistemas operativos, desde sistemas pequeños como un teléfono móvil hasta clústeres de computadores más grandes que un edificio. Está presente en los campos de las telecomunicaciones, sistemas embebidos, satélites, equipamiento médico, sistemas militares y gráficos por computador e informática de escritorio.

Administración de sistemas Linux ofrece numerosos consejos para gestionar un amplio rango de sistemas y servidores. Este libro resume los pasos para implantar desde hubs SOHO, servidores web y servidores LAN, hasta clústeres de carga balanceada y servidores virtuales. También le ayudará a conocer las herramientas necesarias para administrar y mantener de forma eficaz estos entornos de trabajo.

Linux Server - Los Mejores Trucos (O'Reilly) [Ebook]


Linux es un sistema operativo de código abierto, libre y gratuito que está cambiando el mundo de la informática. Su potencia y flexibilidad implica que hay una increíble cantidad de software, esperando a resolver sus problemas de administración de sistemas.

Los trucos de administración de sistemas son esencialmente maneras inteligentes de abordar cualquier problema que se intenta resolver, ya sea descubrir cómo recuperar datos perdidos, intentar recopilar información de clientes distribuidos en un solo lugar, de manera que se pueda tener fácilmente una idea del contenido, o cualquier otra cosa que surja. Este libro reúne los trucos más prácticos sobre administración de sistemas.

Linux Server. Los mejores trucos analiza algunos paquetes de software, cómo usarlos para hacer su vida como administrador de sistemas más fácil, la mejor manera de mantener los sistemas de los que usted es responsable funcionando con suavidad y cómo tener felices a sus usuarios.

Packet Tracer 5.1 (The Last)

Packet Tracer 5.1 is the latest version of Cisco Networking Academy’s comprehensive networking technology teaching and learning software. Innovative features of Packet Tracer 5.1, including powerful simulation, visualization, authoring, assessment, and collaboration capabilities, will help students and teachers collaborate, solve problems, and learn concepts in an engaging and dynamic social environment.

CCNA Exam Cram 640-802 3rd Edition

The Smart Way to Study

“The CCNA exam is difficult and I would not have passed it if I did not have this book with me. The CCNA Exam Cram is an indispensable resource that guided me from the introduction of networking fundamentals to the application of networking theories. Whether you need to learn from scratch or just need a quick reference, this book is an excellent guide that will definitely reinforce your knowledge of Cisco networking and prepare you for the CCNA.

9 de junio de 2009

CCNA Prep Exam 640-802 2nd Edition Dec. 2007 [Ebook]

The CCNA Exam Prep, Second Edition, is an in-depth training guide for the new CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) certification from Cisco. Published in the popular Exam Prep series, the book incorporates all the topics tested in this newly-revised exam, including new security, VPN, wireless, IPv6, and troubleshooting coverage. The authors emphasize sub-netting concepts because this is historically a difficult roadblock for Cisco certification candidates. This Exam Prep covers all the exam objectives and will give you a thorough understanding of each testable concept in addition to real-world configuration examples for configuring a wide range of Cisco devices. The Prep begins with an objectives quick reference and includes chapter summaries with a list of key terms, exercises, review questions, and an exam on chapter content with detailed answers. Exam Preps include notes, tips, cautions, and exam alerts to help you focus on important issues. If you are preparing for this exam you will find the Exam Prep series to be the complete certification solution for the CCNA exam.

Latest CCNA Pass4sure v3.20

Its really after a long time since I’m posting any thing. Below you can download the latest pass4sure for CCNA which included 394 questions. The other versions avaialble on net is not working. So spread this one to get sucess in your exam at first shot

CCNA Exam Notes 3rd Edition - Todd Lammle (Sybex) [Ebook-PDF]

Get the focused exam review you need with Exam Notes from Sybex. Cisco recently refreshed their CCNA exam (#640-607) and added new questions, including simulation and drag-and-drop formats along with the standard multiple-choice variety. The objectives, however, remain the same. Sybex and the world renowned Cisco authority, Todd Lammle, have taken this opportunity to enhance the best-selling CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam Notes, producing a 3rd edition with the aim of giving you, the CCNA candidate, the concise coverage you need to reinforce the knowledge and skills on which you can expect to be tested. Organized by official exam objectives, this portable review guide highlights critical exam topics so you can identify weak spots and better prepare yourself to tackle the challenging new CCNA exam.